Cruelty by Design

Cruelty by Design

Is fur worth it? Watch the video clip, and ask yourself.

How about Faux Fur? Its not real, so it should be alright?

Ask yourself this. If you don't want a kid to grow up liking real guns, would you buy him a fake one to play with, knowing that the fake gun can't do any harm to anyone?

When someone sees you wearing Fake fur, what is the impression that is projected upon them? They won't be thinking, wow that Faux Fur is so nice and no animals are harmed in the process of making it. They will probably be thinking, wow, nice fur coat, I'm going to get one for myself! In a way, you are helping to advertise the idea that wearing fur is cool.

Be responsible, take it a step further, stop wearing fur or what looks like fur altogether!

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