Cool Tricks to Teach a Dog

Cool Tricks to Teach a Dog

Cool Tricks to Teach a Dog

Your dog has learned the basics: sit, stay, down, come and leave it. What now? Just because your dog has mastered basic obedience doesn't mean you have to stop training. In fact, continuing your dog's education will reinforce your dog's memory of basic commands and give you a chance to play and bond with your dog. Using positive reinforcement training techniques, you can teach your dog tricks that will be fun to show off to your friends.



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- The Best Dog Training Tips On How To Shake
Guests are usually charmed when a well-mannered dog sits politely and offers his paw to them. "Shake" is a showy trick compared to more utilitarian ones like "sit" and "down," but it's one of the easiest tricks to teach a dog. Once Fido catches on,...

- How To Teach A New Puppy To Roll Over & Tricks
Teaching a puppy new tricks such as rolling over can be a bit tricky and requires a lot of work from both you and the dog. Your dog should know some basic commands such as sit and lie down before attempting to teach it to roll over. As the owner, you...

- Dog Tricks Training
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- Special Dog Tricks
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- How To Teach Your Cat The High Five Trick
By Julia Williams I’ve never been very successful at teaching my cats tricks. It’s not because training cats is impossible – I’ve seen plenty of performing cats in videos and at cat shows to know that felines definitely can learn tricks. My cat...

