Cat Allergy Cure

Cat Allergy Cure

Many people are living with animals they are allergic to. Whether you are allergic to a dog or even your cat you are likely seeking actively seeking out a method to deal with this. Cats produce five different allergens that may effect humans. These allergens are usually found in the cat's saliva but may also be found in its skin. Allergies to cat skin have to do with the dander, or dead skin cells, that the cat gives off not the hair. Even humans release dander. There are many different options when it comes to looking for a cat allergy cure.

If you are a sufferer of allergies it is important that you do research to discover a cat allergy cure. If you are forced to be around cats often finding a cure that works for you will greatly improve your quality of living, especially in your own home.

There are a few different symptoms of cat allergies. An allergy to cats is a histamine reaction to the allergens let off by the cat. A histamine is a biogenic amine that acts a nerotransmitter and may effect physiological function and immune responses. These usually trigger inflammatory responses as part of the bodies response to foreign pathogens, in this case cat allergens. The main allergen that cats produce is a protein, as most allergens are, called glycoprotein FEL d 1. This particular protein is produced in the cats sebaceous gland and as I said earlier is released from the skin in the form of dander and also from the cats saliva.

There are several different symptoms that can be caused by a particularly bad cat allergy. The allergens released by the cat may cause dyspnea(pronounced disp-nee-ah) which could be described as trouble breathing or shortness of breath. This may lead to other uncomfortable respiratory sensations as well. A sufferer of a cat allergy may also show the symptoms of several other types of allergies. These are symptoms that are common to people with airborne allergies such as seasonal allergies. It is important that you identify the cause of your allergies so you can seek out a cat allergy cure instead of blaming your allergies on the seasonal allergies you may get from trees or plants blooming. These kind of symptoms can be discomfort in the eyes. Characterized by watery eyes, and red, itchy or swollen eyes. You may also experience problems with the nose such as nasal congestion, itchy nose, or simply sneezing. The worst symptoms that could be caused by a cat allergy would likely be a chronic sore throat with coughing and wheezing. You could also experience skin conditions such as a rash, itchy skin, or even swelling feet. If you are scratched by a cat and are allergic you may also show raised skin in the area that was recently scratched.

A fairly new cure to cat allergies is a hypoallergenic cat. These are cats that are far less likely to create a allergic reaction in humans. There are a few different breeds that may naturally be hypoallergenic. These include Siberian and Russian Blue breeds. There are other cats that may be naturally hypoallergenic but generally to a lesser degree. There include LaPerm, Sphync, Devon Rex, and Cornish Rex cat breeds. These cats lack some of the normal layers of cat fur. These cats therfor let off less cat dander and are less likely to provoke a allergic reaction. These breeds of cat may be a good choice if you only suffer from a mild allergic reaction, but may be a very poor choice if you suffer from a bad allergic reaction to cats. The effectiveness of these cats as hypoallergenic breeds has been questioned however. This is because most people are actually far more allergic to cat saliva rather than fur or dander and these breeds still carry the same allergens. In more recent years several companies have claimed to have developed breeds of hypoallergenic cats through selective breeding. Many people, consumer and scientist alike, are extremely skeptical about these claims however. The companies have not allowed any peer reviews to be done and have shown no studies to back up their assertions.

While there is no magic bullet cat allergy cure other than getting rid of the cat there are several methods many people have used successfully to continue living with a cat in the house and maintain a high level of comfort when it comes to dealing with the allergies. First of all many people find that after having a cat an extended period of time they can become desensitized to the allergens of the particular cat. They will however find they are still allergic to other people's cats. I can vouch for this method working. After getting a new cat I found I was extremely allergic to it but withing a matter of days the symptoms began to subside and after a few weeks I became completely immune to the cat. I have a very mild allergic reaction to cats though. This will work out differently for different people and unfortunately some people may actually get more allergic to their cats over time. If you are allergic to cats don't necessarily bank on this option and at the very least have a plan to send the cat to a different home if you find you do not begin to get desensitized to the cat after a period of time.

Some people also have good success with lowering their exposure to the allergens. This can be done by removing things that may hold cat allergens for a long period of time. These include carpets, rugs and pillows. Certain furniture may even hold these allergens for extended periods of time. This method will require that you clean the house regularly and also brush the cat often. Getting a special air purifing system may also be a smart decision.

If you find these methods do nothing to help with your allergy and provide no cat allergy cure then there are a few other options. You can take medications, get a cat allergy vaccine, or even get a shot. If you are considering one of these methods please see a doctor or do further research on medical cat allergy cures.

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