CANIDAE and The Pongo Fund Help Portland's Homeless

CANIDAE and The Pongo Fund Help Portland's Homeless

Two years ago Larry Chusid of Portland, Oregon saw some homeless men together with their dogs. Larry had just lost his dog, Pongo, and decided to donate some food and supplies to these men so they could take care of their pets. Since then, Larry's efforts have evolved into a complete charitable organization (non-profit status pending) dedicated to helping Portland's homeless and low-income people feed quality food to their pets.

Our own Jon Tingle, Sales Manager for CANIDAE in the Pacific Northwest, met with Larry recently to discuss how CANIDAE could help. "Larry called me one day and explained he was looking for some food and why. We met for a cup of coffee, and I put faith in his heart. We love helping him."

When Larry was asked what others can do to help, he replied, "Buy a bag of CANIDAE, because without them none of this would be possible!"

The Oregonian newspaper sent a reporter out to interview Larry and Jon while Larry distributed free food to those in need. For the complete article please visit The Oregonian website.

Visit The Pongo Fund website for donation information.

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