Can You Stop a Dog from Digging?

Can You Stop a Dog from Digging?

Digging is natural dog behavior. However, a dog’s excessive digging can be both annoying and pestering at the same time. If your dear pet is guilty of this behavior, what can you do? How can you stop a dog from digging?

The first important step is to know the reason behind a dog’s bad behavior. Although digging is a natural canine thing, there are many possible reasons why your dog is doing it excessively. 

Check out the following possibilities:
Find out if one of the above factors is true for your dog. Then, find the most practical solution by addressing the root of the problem. Here are some tips:
Here are other tricks to discourage digging:

  • Set up sprinklers in the spots where your dog digs and turn on the sprinklers whenever he does the digging. 
  • You can also try to bury your dog’s poop in the spot where he often digs as dogs don’t like that scent.
  • Finally, you can allocate a particular spot in your garden or backyard where digging is ALLOWED. Bury his favorite toy or treat in that area and when he digs, give him lots of pats and praises. Make your dog understand that digging is not allowed anywhere else by taking him to the right spot whenever he tries to dig somewhere else.

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