Campaign to Tackle Puppy Mills in Missouri

Campaign to Tackle Puppy Mills in Missouri

Pet Store Puppies Come From Puppy Mills - The best home videos are here

Sometimes, we, the so called animal lovers, are actually contributing to the suffering of many poor animals without even knowing it.

How would you feel if you are kept in a cage, for your whole life? No room to run about. Living in putrid conditions. Exposed to the sun and rain. Having your infants separated from you almost as soon as they were born?

When we bring our kids to go 'shop' for a puppy or spending hundreds or thousands on a pure breed, or buying a puppy as a gift to friends and family, we are directly creating a demand for these puppies. And, as the law of money making goes, as long as there is a demand, people out to make a quick buck will ensure that the supply is there.

Puppy mills are just as evil as factory farming. It is brutally cruel. Period.

Please, if you really want to have a pet as a companion, to love and to care for it, Adopt, Don't buy. Look into their eyes, and do the right thing. For every scar, every sore, and every imperfection that you see on the poor creature's body, tell it that you will love it even more, for in so doing, we may have a glimmer of hope that their bruised and broken heart may be healed over time.

You can help! -> How you can support the Missouri campaign.

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