Books for Before & After you get a Puppy/Dog

Books for Before & After you get a Puppy/Dog

Whether you’ve lived with dogs since you were in the womb, or you’re first bringing a dog into the home at 46, how do you know where to turn when you’ve got a question? And everyone -- from the most experienced dogger to a first timer -- is bound to have a few questions along the way.

Unfortunately, not all books are created equal, and “Googling it,” can pop out some pretty scary answers. 

In response to a request on our facebook page, the Do You Believe in Dog? team has put together a short list of easy-to read books for before and after you get a puppy or dog. 

These books that are not only short and easy to read but they are easy on the wallet or even free!

Before and After You Get Your Puppy by Dr. Ian Dunbar
Dunbar has been in the dog world for a long time. He began his career studying dog hormones and behavior alongside Dr. Frank Beach and has since moved into helping dogs an humans get on the same page. His two free e-books get straight to the point:

Perfect Puppy in 7 Days by Dr. Sophia Yin 

Yin is also a veterinarian, and she specializes in behaviour. Perfect Puppy in 7 Days is available to order as book (or e-book).


The Perfect Puppy by Gwen Bailey
If you're looking for something family friendly (accessible for kids to read too) on your local library shelves, try Gwen Bailey's books:  
Puppy handbookThe Perfect PuppyGood Dog Behaviour or The Rescue Dog.


The Puppy Primer by Dr. Patricia McConnell
McConnell received her PhD in Zoology in 1988 and has been working with dogs (and their people) ever since! The Puppy Primer is a trainer favourite and describes a six-week program to get you and your puppy off on the right paw.


Don’t Shoot the Dog by Karen Pryor
Karen Pryor, a biologist who got her start working with dolphins, has has created a wealth of information at her Clicker Training website and her book, Don't Shoot the Dog is really valuable to help understand how and why certain training methods will work better than others.

Happy reading before and after you get your new family member!

Julie & Mia

- How To Train A Puppy Not To Nip
. "...Many people think that it can be essential to get dog training tips preceding to getting their pets. Lots of people might discover this fascinating but a lot of people may concur that this is a excellent tip to follow. The condition with a number...

- Books On Working With Shy, Fearful Dogs
By Langley Cornwell Because we have a shy and fearful dog, I’ve researched, read and written about the topic a lot in the past four years. Until Frosty came into our lives, all my pets had been friendly, well-socialized and approachable. At first,...

- Books On How To Deal With Jealous Dogs
By Langley Cornwell Personal experience drove me to research the topic of jealousy and dogs. There was a time when I had three rescue dogs. A black Labrador was the first to come along. She needed extra care due to her very young age and the neglect she...

- Good Books For Dog Owners
By Ruthie Bently Are you looking for the perfect book for yourself or a relative that owns a dog or a new puppy? With so many choices available these days, how do you find the right one? I have always loved reading and as a buyer of pet products I’ve...

- Training A Dog At Home
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