ASK THE VET: Annual Veterinary Checkups and Vaccinations

ASK THE VET: Annual Veterinary Checkups and Vaccinations

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Annual Vaccinations are Crucial 
to your Dog's Good Health

Dear Dr. Jacki,

I just adopted Herbie from a local rescue. I was told he is up to date on shots (they gave me a list) and has had a health checkup. He is 9 months old and had gotten larger than the owner thought she could handle, so she turned him in to the rescue. Sad for Herbie, but good for me. We're both adapting well to new family members.

My question is about his healthcare. Since he has had his rabies shot and was neutered already, I should not need to take him to the vet until he is due for shots. But with so many, I don't know when they are all due. Are they all given one time per year? Some were given more than once. Would that be because of boosters or something? Please help me understand all this confusion. I'll try to find a vet near me to see, when the time comes.

You are in the Orlando area, right? I think I checked your website and it said you serve Central Florida. I'm in N. Miami. There are a lot of vet offices, but I don't know how to pick. Can you give me any suggestions on choosing a good veterinarian?

Thank you, 

Susan and Herbie

Dear Susan:

Congratulations on finding each other! Sounds like you both lucked out. 

It seems as though Herbie is up to date on vaccines until his 1 year birthday. At that time the vaccines (Rabies, DHPP, Bordatella and Lepto) will be boostered again. A heartworm and fecal check will be done, as well. 

After that time, only the Bordatella and Lepto will be given yearly. The Rabies and DHPP can be given every 3 years, but this depends on local laws and your local veterinarian. The heartworm test and fecal check are always done yearly. 

Herbie needs to be kept on flea prevention and heartworm prevention monthly too. 

As far as choosing a local veterinarian, I would suggest researching your area online or by asking friends or co-workers for suggestions. 

I hope you enjoy many happy years together! 

Dr. Jacki

Dr. Jacki, D.V.M.
ASK THE VET on All Things Dog Blog

[email protected] 

For more information on Dr. Jacki and her practice, you may find her at  4 Paws House Calls. A personal appointment will likely provide more specific information on your dog and your specific questions.

You can read more of Dr. Jacki's articles at her archives page

Dr. Jacki's opinion or advice does not replace an actual exam with a veterinarian. 
Please thank our model, Roxy, whose photo was courtesy of blog reader K.W. Thanks Roxy!
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