Appetite Stimulant For Dogs

Appetite Stimulant For Dogs

Dogs are not naturally averse to food, as they are found to relish even garbage and other waste food products. But sometimes, you may find your canine getting disinterested in food, without any apparent reason. In such cases, you may try some appetite stimulants for dogs. However, before starting with such stimulants, you have to take your dog to the vet, so as to rule out the possibility of any medical condition that may be the reason behind this condition.

Loss of Appetite in Dogs

Appetite loss in dogs may be due to various reasons, including medical ones. Some of the commonly found reasons are medical conditions, like, intestinal obstruction, digestive problems, kidney or liver problems, respiratory diseases, intestinal parasites, dental or other oral medical problems and worm infestation. Apart from medical problems, other factors too, can negatively affect a dog's appetite. They include stress, anxiety, lack of exercise and change in weather. Even aging can be a reason for lack of appetite in dogs. It has also been noticed that some dogs give up food for a day or two, as a natural detoxification process. Such fasting is not found to be a problem, as far as they remain active. But, if they avoid food for more than two days, or if they have other symptoms, then, you have to take them to the vet to rule out the possibility of any underlying disease. If there is no apparent reason for your dog to get disinterested in food, then, you may try appetite stimulants, after consulting the vet.

How to Stimulate Appetite in Dogs

As mentioned above, appetite loss in dogs, along with other symptoms need to be checked. Even those dogs who refuse to eat for more than two days, need medical attention. But, if the dog is healthy and is not diagnosed with any disease, then, you may try some appetite stimulants. They include medication, food supplements, herbs and alternative medicine. However, before trying these appetite stimulants, make sure to take your dog to a vet, so as to check whether there is any underlying cause for loss of appetite. If there is something, treating the condition will normalize its appetite. Otherwise, seek the opinion of the vet, regarding appetite stimulants and choose the best one for your dog.

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