Amusing Facts and Traits of 38 Different Mammals

Amusing Facts and Traits of 38 Different Mammals

Here’s a long list of mammals in the world with unusual traits and features.

See also

Interesting facts About the Amazing Elephants

The Most Amusing and Bizarre Facts and Traits of Mammals 

- The Most Amusing And Bizarre Facts And Traits Of Mammals Iv
 More mammals and their amazing traits and behaviors 1.) Nine-banded Armadillo The Nine-banded Armadillo is an amazing mammal. It can give birth to identical quadruplets and postpone pregnancy for three years. 2.) Rat Rats have flexible bones that...

- The Most Amusing And Bizarre Facts And Traits Of Mammals Iii
 ...More amazing and bizarre facts about mammals... 1.) Sloth Sloths are hardy animals because the leaves they eat contain a kind of poison.They live completely upside down and move really slowly. The only time they come to the forest floor...

- The Most Amusing And Bizarre Facts And Traits Of Mammals Ii
Some mammals are simply amazing. 1.) Tiger Image Source Tigers are the strongest and largest of all cats in the world. They eat bears, birds, crocodiles, deer, domestic cattle, elephants, fish, frogs, gaurs, leopards, mice, monkeys, moose, pythons,...

- World's Most Venomous Mammals
World's Most Venomous Mammals  Have you heard of mammals that are venomous? Animals usually produce venom to kill or disable prey, or to defend themselves from predators. Amongst the animals in the planet, fishes and reptiles have the most number...

- Animals A To Z
This list of animals is great for when you want to teach your children about all the different animals of the world. From A to Z you can learn the different animals names and a few facts about them. Aardvark: Aardvarks are from Africa and are known...

