Agility Courses in Lawrenceville, Georgia

Agility Courses in Lawrenceville, Georgia

Agility Courses in Lawrenceville, Georgia

Agility is one of the fastest growing activities of all American Kennel Club events. Agility courses consist of a variety of activities and obstacles, such as the A-frame, dog walk, see-saw or teeter-totter, pause table, open tunnel, chute, weave poles, panel jumps, tire jumps and broad, double or triple bar jumps.

One person and one dog work together as a team to learn the agility course and perform on the equipment, so agility training is beneficial for both humans and canines. Below are some of the top dog agility training centers near Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Canine Capers

Atlanta Dog Agility

Sirius Dog Agility Training Center

The Dog's Place

- Dog Agility Tools
If you have ever watched a border collie race at top speed through a dog agility course, you know that it can be a thrilling sport to watch. For dogs and their handlers, agility provides exercise, challenge and a chance to bond. At an agility trial,...

- Home Speed Agility Training
Dogs in an agility class or trial are timed as they run through a course composed of ramps, tunnels, jumps, weave poles and platforms. "...Most people think that it is necessary to get dog training tips preceding to getting their pets. Many people may...

- Agility Abilities
Have you ever thought that agility training might just be your dog’s thing? How do you tell if your dog has what it takes to succeed in agility competitions? The answer probably lies in your understanding of the dog. Those who are very athletic, eager...

- Mixed Breed Dogs Can Compete In Akc Obedience
The American Kennel Club recently announced that mixed breed dogs will be allowed to list their dogs and participate in AKC Agility, Obedience and Rally events starting April 1, 2010. This means that mixed breeds will be able to compete in the same classes...

- What Is Dog Agility Training?
Have you thought about enrolling your dog in agility training? Why not? Agility training doesn’t just teach a dog how to respond well, it also enhances a dog’s physical and mental capacity. Furthermore, agility training strengthens the bond between...

