A Name For A Dog - How To Choose The Right Name

A Name For A Dog - How To Choose The Right Name

Dog names are a very popular topic of discussion worldwide. Female dog names are the most popular. It is important to choose a name that everyone likes as people will be using it for a long time.
Naming a dog can be great fun, but sometimes it can be frustrating and cause a family argument. He is the new member of your family so it is important that everyone agrees on the what to call him. All family members must say his name the same way every time. It will confuse him if he hears different versions of it.
The name should suit him/her. Ask yourself, is he big or small? What will be his adult size? Is he quiet or hyper? Does he do something unusual or funny? Does he look like a famous dog? Is his coat smooth or shaggy? Does he have unusual coloring?
Do not rush your decision but do not leave it too long. The sooner a dog hears his name, the sooner the training can start.
Watch your new dog for a few days and get to know him and his personality. There are no rules for choosing what to call your dog. Sometimes a dog chooses his/her own name by reacting to a particular sound. It should be one you like and is easy to pronounce.
A rescue dog may already have a name. Most people like to change it as a sign of a fresh start and a new and better life.
It should be a loving name that shows how much you care for your dog. Unique names may sound good but may not suit your particular dog. Can you imagine how it will sound in public when you are calling your dog?. It could cause some embarrassment.
There are literally thousands to choose from. A name with one or two syllables is easy to say and easy for a dog to recognize.
Never choose a name that sounds similar to a command or a member of your family. This will really confuse your dog and make training very difficult.
Try to find out what the popular names are. Names for a female dog include Angel, Bambi, Bella, Cassie, Dawn, Holly, Kelly, Lady, Poppy, Sandy and Tess to mention just a small few.
Some male dog names include Bandit, Buddy, Caesar, Duke, Jake, Magnum, Max, Sam and Shadow. There are Irish dog names, names for black dogs, white dogs, big and small dogs and huskies.
There is no right or wrong name. A dog can be called after almost anyone or anything from famous people, places, sports, television or films.
A dog is mankind's best friend and companion. His name is a form of affection, trust and communication between you and him. It should be a reflection of his appearance and personality. Choose a name that shows pride and respect for him/her.

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