A Dog's Purpose: Giveaway Winners Named

A Dog's Purpose: Giveaway Winners Named

by Carrie Boyko, CEB
© K.K, reader copyright on file
Rory Shares her Love for Today's Giveaway
You guys did a great job of showing the print publishing industry that book readers are alive and well! I was pleased to see the enthusiasm for winning an adult book. Great work!

Next week I'm going back to kids books, so if your children, grandchildren, nephew and nieces or students love dog stories, you know where to enter to win them. Today's celebration, however, is about adults reading and this is very important. When we read in front of the children in our lives, we set an important example for them, and one that will often make the difference between kids who grow up loving to read and ones who find it a chore. 

Let's see what Random.org has to tell us about the winners of this giveaway. With 110 entries, this should be an interesting drawing. Here are the names of the winners: Diana Russell, Cynthia Downer, and Ashley C. You will each receive an email from [email protected] requesting your address for shipping. Be sure to reply quickly to assure you get your book soon. I know you will all enjoy it as much as I did. Be sure to report back and let us know what you thought. Happy tails!

Full disclosure: The publisher provided 3 copies of this book as a promotional giveaway. I read and reviewed the book and gave my honest opinion. No purchase was necessary to enter or win this drawing and I was not compensated to do this review.

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