2009 Westminster Dog Show Finals

2009 Westminster Dog Show Finals

Who am I kidding? I'm not really on vacation. I've been itching to get back to this for days. I do love to talk dogs.

Today, I'm presenting a view of the Westminster Dog Show 2009. Don't get me wrong. I'm not all about showing dogs. I think they are ALL beautiful, yes. But were they meant to be bred by sperm donations from 20 years ago and spend their lives in a grooming parlor? Questionable.

Still I love to watch their grand gait as they each take their turn around the stage. Does that make me a hypocrite? Nah! I love my rescued mixes and my purebreds all the same. Of course, Tanner, my AKC Golden would not make it past round one of a local dog show. He's about as far from breed standard as a Golden Retriever can come--too tall, too knobby of a forehead, too short of a coat (need I say more?).

Nevertheless, I love my dogs as though all 3 of them just won Westminster today. Let's hear it for all the dogs! Enjoy the video:

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