#EBTweets PreTweeting Commences!

#EBTweets PreTweeting Commences!

by Carrie Boyko, CEB

© Dogtipper.com
Dog Toys Grab Bag
 for One Lucky PreTweeter
I have to admit that watching the PreTweets for our Twitter Parties has become a guilty pleasure for me. It's fun to sign into TweetReach and see who's Tweeting and how much. Plus, one of you gets to win a cool prize just for sharing our news. What's the prize? Toys, of course! 

But there's more good news for this great party. We're not just focusing on Fidos; we also have prizes for Fluffy. So whether you're a dog or a cat person, your best friend can be a winner just by telling us whether you prefer a dog or cat prize. It's that easy! (NOTE: Kitty peeps can check in at Cattipper for more info on the feline side of things!)

Our winner may choose a kitty or dog prize based on the pets at home, or those you wish to donate to. All prizes for #EBTweets  can be shipped direct to a U.S. rescue if an address is provided. Each grab bag is worth at least $70, and the Grand Prizes will be much more generous. Watch for more on these by following posts at Dogtipper.com and AllThingsDogBlog.com.

So, what should you Tweet? Here's a few options below. Choose one you like or Tweet them all. There's no limit to Tweeting. We'll have access to your Tweets online, so you don't need to register them here in comments, just enjoy the chirping for what it is--fun!

Calling all #Anipals: @EventBarkers is hosting a #Pet party where u can donate
 or win gr8 prizes 4 dogs & cats: http://ow.ly/aS2eW

Join me & @EventBarkers 4 upcoming #EBTweets #TwitterParties & gr8 prizes  May 27: http://ow.ly/aS29v  http://ow.ly/i/CIVM 

#Anipals & #pet lovers can join #EBTweets 2 win gr8 prizes 4 your pets
 or 2 donate to a rescue. Details: http://ow.ly/aS1Zw

RSVP for #EBTweets. Mark your calendars 
for May 27 #TwitterParty fun: http://ow.ly/aKa3i http://ow.ly/i/BUcu

PreTweet winners will be announced at the party, as well as all 12 of the other prizes. Prize announcements will begin at the party opening, so don't be late! Hint: There will be a drawing from the RSVP list (so get your name on it soon!), one from a Rafflecopter yet to come, 6 fabulous prizes packages to WOW you with wonder from @CastorPolluxPet and 4 Grand Prizes--Cat, Dog, and 2 rescue gift packages. Our prizes will include a wide assortment of goodies that no pet owner would want to miss out on, but feel free to offer a rescue address if you wish to donate. Join us Sunday, May 27, 8:30 PM-10 PM ET. Happy tails!

Finally, you can keep up with all the scoop on #EBTweets and the Event Barkers Twitter Parties by watching Dogtipper.com, AllThingsDogBlog.com, @EventBarkers on Twitter, and our Event Barkers Facebook page. You may want to subscribe to our Event Barkers newsletter so you're sure to see each and every announcement. :)

Prize Eligibility: Everyone worldwide is welcome to join in  #EBTweets for fun. Prizes are limited to U.S. and Canadian addresses. Prizes designated to a rescue by their winners may go only to U.S. rescues. Thank you for your understanding!

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